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2023 24th International Conference on
Digital Signal Processing

11-13 June 2023 · Island of Rhodes · Greece

Early Career Researcher Best Paper Award

Submissions led and supervised by Early Career Researchers (ECR) are encouraged. To this end, DSP 2023 will include an ECR Best Paper Award. To be eligible, both the leading (generally first) and supervising (generally last) authors must be Early Career Researchers on the date of the submission deadline, defined as “researchers prior to or within 7 years of their PhD defense”. To enter a paper for the award, after ordinary submission, authors are requested to send an email to the Early Career Researcher Chair Dr Stefan Vlaski at s.vlaski@imperial.ac.uk, confirming their eligibility. Shortlisted papers, apart from the ordinary presentation in the targeted sessions, will also be presented at a special award session, during which winners will be selected.

Submission is open now