Feel free to contact us! | secretariat@2023.ic-dsp.org

2023 24th International Conference on
Digital Signal Processing

11-13 June 2023 · Island of Rhodes · Greece

Templates for Latex and Word are available for download.


General Information

We recommend that you use the Word file or LaTeX files to produce your document, since they have been set up to meet the formatting guidelines required. The LaTeX environment files specify suitable margins, page layout, text, and a bibliography style.

Papers may be no longer than five (5) pages, including figures, tables and references.

DSP 2023 requires each accepted paper to be presented by one of the authors in-person at the conference site according to the schedule published. One of the authors must register for the conference at one of the non-student rates offered, and must register before the deadline given for author registration. Any paper accepted into the technical program, but not presented on-site will be withdrawn from the official proceedings archived on IEEE Xplore. Before submitting your paper in pdf form, please ensure IEEE Xplore compatibility by following instructions here.You can also use pdfexpress to convert your source document (.doc, .tex, etc.) into an IEEE Xplore compatible pdf file.


The language of the Conference is English. Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers (up to 4 pages for technical content including figures, tables, references and one optional 5th page containing references only). IEEE templates for the paper format, and “no show” policy do apply. Authors should indicate one or more of the above listed categories that best describe the topic of the paper, as well as their preference (if any) regarding lecture or poster presentation. Lecture and poster sessions are treated equally in terms of the review process. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two experts in the field. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. In addition to the technical program, a social program will be offered to the participants and their companions. It will provide an opportunity to meet colleagues and friends against a backdrop of outstanding natural beauty and rich cultural heritage in one of the best-known international tourist destinations, the Island of Sun, Rhodes.

By submitting a manuscript, the authors guarantee that it is not previously published or under review elsewhere in substantially similar form. Furthermore, no paper which contains significant overlap with the contributions of the submission should be submitted during the review period to either a journal or a conference. If there are papers that may appear to violate any of these conditions, then it is the authors’ responsibility to (a) cite these papers, (b) argue in the body of thesubmission why this paper is nontrivially different from these concurrent submissions, and (c) include anonymized versions of those papers with the submission.

For any problems or requests related to your submissions please contact us @ secretariat@2023.ic-dsp.org

No Show Policy

The IEEE Signal Processing Society “no show” policy is followed in DSP2023. Any accepted paper included in the final program is expected to have at least one author or qualified proxy attend and present the paper. Accepted papers without author participation will be marked as “no show” papers and will not be published by IEEE on IEEE Xplore® or other public access forums, but these papers will be distributed as part of the on-site electronic proceedings and the copyright of these papers will belong to the IEEE.

For poster sessions, if the speaker is not present in front of the poster for most of the time during the poster session, this implies “no show”.

Exceptions to this policy will be made by the Technical Program Chair(s) of the conference only if there is evidence that the “no show” occurred because of unanticipated events beyond the control of the authors, and every option available to the authors to present the paper was exhausted. The “no show” authors may appeal the decision of the Technical Program Chair(s) to the General Chairs.